Ausländische Stadt mit C
- Chicago
- Canberra
- Casablanca
- Cambridge
- Cadiz
- Caracas
- Cannes
- Chernobyl
- chikago
- Cardiff
- Chisinau
- Cincinnati
- Cleveland
- Charleston
- Columbia
- Advertisement
- Cancun
- Corum
- Columbus
- Colombo
- Cherson
- Charlotte
- cagliari
- Calgary
- Colmar
- Cordoba
- Cincinatti
- Charkiv
- Canterbury
- catania
- Cork
- Chongqing
- Camberra
- Calais
- Canakkale
- Chigago
- Constantinopel
- Chester
- China town
- Cesme
- Chesterfield
- Charkiw
- Chania
- Chihuahua
- Cuxhaven
- Ceuta
- Chigaco
- Cusco
- christchurch
- Conakry
- celle
- Corfu
- Cremona
- Cham
- Coco
- Cali
- china
- Columbo
The words in the list Ausländische Stadt mit C come from players of the word game City, Country, River.