Lebensmittel mit C
- Cola
- Chinakohl
- Clementine
- Chips
- Chili
- Chicorée
- Cornflakes
- Camembert
- Champignon
- Calzone
- Champignons
- Curry
- Clementinen
- Coca Cola
- Champions
- Advertisement
- Chinesische Nudeln
- Cranberry
- Couscous
- Chilischote
- Croissant
- Currywurst
- Cookies
- Champagner
- Café
- Curcuma
- Christstollen
- Cookie
- Cracker
- Cannabis
- Cheeseburger
- Coca-Cola
- China Kohl
- Champion
- Cayenne Pfeffer
- Chilischoten
- Cevapcici
- Cashewnuss
- Cappuccino
- Cannelloni
- Cherrytomaten
- cakao
- Cashewnüsse
- Cranberrys
- Cayennepfeffer
- Cherrytomate
- Capri Sonne
- Cornichons
- Cognac
- Currypaste
- Coca
- Chilisoße
- caprisonne
- Cini minis
- Curryketchup
- China-Nudeln
The words in the list Lebensmittel mit C come from players of the word game City, Country, River.