schlechte Namen für ein Pokemon
- Xavier
- Qualli
- Vogel
- Pokemon
- Walter
- Mama
- Otto
- Tittimon
- Kaka
- Olaf
- Rudolf
- Adolf
- Susi
- Fickimon
- Titti
- Advertisement
- Klaus
- Ingo
- Peter
- Lutscher
- Jürgen
- Zebramon
- Hans
- Judas
- Uterus
- Norbert
- Hurenmon
- Mumu
- Karl
- Gustav
- Ursula
- Popomon
- Corona
- Kakamon
- Günther
- Lutschi
- Arschloch
- Ingrid
- Zorro
- Ralf
- Igor
- Arschi
- Uschi
- Bernd
- Ficki
- Rudi
- Claus
- Bimbo
- Pupsi
- Johannes
- Sabine
- Nils
- Ulf
- Jens
- Esel
- olga
- Dodo
- Fickachu
- Popo
- Coco
- Salami
- Advertisement
- Emil
- Vagimon
- Vladimir
- Lulatsch
- Ute
- Bob
- Arschmon
- Claudia
- Vulva
- Ente
- Erik
- Hundesohn
- Harald
- Werner
- Lappen
- Gandalf
- Niggimon
- Rüdiger
- Daniel
- Hässlon
- Judimon
- Obama
- Wichsi
- Pimmelmon
- Richard
- Zoe
- Igitt
- Uhu
- Chinamon
- Oma
- Momo
- Dickmon
- Herbert
- Uwe
- Fickmon
- Iris
- Tim
- Reiner
- Niggi
- Nuttenmon
The words in the list schlechte Namen für ein Pokemon come from players of the word game City, Country, River.