city or country with N
- Nigeria
- Norway
- Netherlands
- New York
- Nepal
- Nicaragua
- New Zealand
- new york
- Niger
- Namibia
- Nashville
- New York City
- North Korea
- Nice
- Naples
- Advertisement
- Nairobi
- Nevada
- New Orleans
- Newark
- Nottingham
- Nebraska
- new jersey
- Nagpur
- New Delhi
- Nantes
- New England
- Napa
- Newton
- Niagara Falls
- North Dakota
- Newport
- New Haven
- Niagara
- Nagasaki
- North Carolina
- New Brunswick
- Napier
- Norwalk
- Nanjing
- Norwich
- Newmarket
- Nauru
- Nazareth
- Nile
- New Guinea
- Nuremberg
- Norfolk
- Nanaimo
- Newtown
- New Caledonia
- Nederland
- Nova Scotia
- North Pole
- Nampa
- Nassau
- Natal
- Nador
- Napa Valley
- Nelson
- Niue
- Nagoya
- Northridge
- Norco
- Novgorod
- Nogales
- Novi
- Northern Ireland
- Niceville
- Nothing
- new south wales
- niagra
The words in the list city or country with N come from players of the word game City, Country, River.