City or town with H
- Hamburg
- Helsinki
- Honolulu
- Hollywood
- Hong Kong
- Havana
- Hartford
- Hyderabad
- Hampton
- Hull
- Hanover
- Halifax
- Hanoi
- Harlem
- Advertisement
- Helena
- Hiroshima
- Huston
- Harrogate
- Huddersfield
- Hastings
- Honduras
- Huntsville
- Heidelberg
- Huntington
- Hoboken
- Hartlepool
- Haverford
- Hudson
- Harvard
- Henderson
- Hagerstown
- Hague
- Hidalgo
- Hillsboro
- Harrison
- Hereford
- Horsham
- Hermosillo
- Hershey
- Hillsborough
- Huntington Beach
- Hillsdale
- Harare
- Haarlem
- Harrisonburg
- Hollister
- Hayward
- Hampstead
- Hammersmith
- Highland park
- Hounslow
- Hopetown
- Hertford
- Harrington
- Hendersonville
- Harwich
- Honk Kong
- Hawthorne
- Healdsburg
- Advertisement
- Hamberg
- Haddonfield
- Hangzhou
- Hattiesburg
- Hialeah
- Harlow
- harrow
- Hopewell
- Hatfield
- Hope
- Haven
- Homestead
- Hawkins
- Hainan
- Harlingen
- Haifa
- hacienda heights
- Hilton Head
- Huntersville
- Hokkaido
- Houghton
- Hemel Hempstead
- Holyoke
- Hemet
- highland
- Himachal Pradesh
- Harpenden
- Hickory
- Halton
- Holywood
- hakkari
- Henley
- Howard
- Haga
- Hannibal
- Hyattsville
- Huntingdon
- Hammond
- Hove
The words in the list City or town with H come from players of the word game City, Country, River.