City or town with I
- Istanbul
- Inverness
- Innsbruck
- Ibiza
- Indore
- Inglewood
- Irvine
- Imola
- Iowa city
- Insbrück
- Ilawa
- Islington
- Imphal
- Irkutsk
- Ibadan
- Advertisement
- Iona
- Ionia
- Ivanhoe
- Irvington
- Idaho City
- Izmir
- Ilford
- Itagüí
- iserlohn
- Iquitos
- Idaho Falls
- Isfahan
- Itasca
- Ischia
- Isleworth
- Independence
- Indigo
- Ingersoll
- invercargil
- Indianola
- Ilkeston
- Ingham
- Ilderton
- Ilkley
- Iberia
- istria
- Irwin
- Iroquois
- Illinois City
- Idaho Springs
- Iligan city
- Isanti
- Intercourse
- ilot
- ireland city
- Isle
- Ingleton
- Ilfracombe
- Iğdır
- Iberville
- Ice
- Ickenham
- Ingatestone
- Izhevsk
- Advertisement
- i don't know
- Iman
- Imielin
- Isabella
- Index
- Indian town
- Inver
- Instabul
- Impala
- Ida
- Ile au cerf
- Iver
- ice city
- Ihringen
- Inkster
- Innisbrook
- indiranagar
- Islay
- inde
- Ixiona
- Ilorin
- Ishøj
- ion
- Ipatinga
- Imperial beach
- Idiot
- Izumi
- Indiana PA
- Irbid
- Iota
- Ilminster
- Immingham
- inwood
- Inlet
- Isabel
- indianoplis
- Imperial
- Interlagos
- Ingram
The words in the list City or town with I come from players of the word game City, Country, River.