City or town with S
- Seattle
- San Francisco
- Sydney
- San Diego
- Salem
- Singapore
- Stockholm
- San Antonio
- Shanghai
- Salt Lake City
- Seoul
- Stuttgart
- Springfield
- San Jose
- Sidney
- Advertisement
- Santiago
- Southampton
- Salzburg
- Salamanca
- Sheffield
- Sunderland
- Savannah
- Seville
- São Paulo
- Syracuse
- Scranton
- Scarborough
- Santa Monica
- Surat
- Swindon
- Swansea
- Sarasota
- Santa Fe
- Saratoga
- Sicily
- Sofia
- Surrey
- Sarajevo
- Scunthorpe
- St Louis
- Stevenage
- San Juan
- Somerville
- Sudbury
- Spokane
- Srinagar
- Santorini
- Strasbourg
- Salvador
- Sonora
- Salford
- Slough
- Santa Cruz
- Sunnyvale
- Saigon
- Saint Louis
- South Carolina
- Santander
- Sienna
- Advertisement
- South Hampton
- St. Louis
- San Salvador
- Sioux Falls
- South Bend
- Southport
- Santa Clara
- Salerno
- Stirling
- Santa Barbara
- Segovia
- Solapur
- Santa Ana
- Stockport
- Sandringham
- St Petersburg
- St. Petersburg
- Selma
- Salinas
- Stockton
- San Sebastian
- Saginaw
- Siena
- Sale
- sosnowiec
- salt lake
- San Fernando
- Southend
- Smithville
- Shreveport
- Stalingrad
- Santiago de Chile
- Southfield
- Scarsdale
- Schenectady
- Split
- Serbia
- Somerset
- Surabaya
- Sutton
The words in the list City or town with S come from players of the word game City, Country, River.