U.S. Cities with L
- Los Angeles
- Las Vegas
- Little Rock
- Lancaster
- Lansing
- Lafayette
- Long Beach
- Long Island
- Laredo
- Lakeland
- Lawrence
- Littleton
- Lake Tahoe
- Lubbock
- Advertisement
- Lakewood
- Lima
- Lynchburg
- Livingston
- Laguna Beach
- Los Angles
- Los Vegas
- Laramie
- Leavenworth
- Linton
- Lebanon
- L.A
- Livermore
- Los Alamos
- Livonia
- Los angles
- Lowell
- Langley
- Leesburg
- Lewiston
- La Jolla
- Lakeville
- La Grande
- La Crosse
- Langford
- Longmont
- Lawrenceville
- Liberty
- Longview
- La Belle
- laurel
- Lewisburg
- Lodi
- Los Gatos
- Lakeview
- Lakeside
- la belle
- Los Altos
- Lisle
- Lake Forest
- Lancing
- Langston
- Litchfield
- Lilburn
- Lawton
- Advertisement
- Lincoln Nebraska
- Lake Placid
- Loyola
- Las Cruces
- Lombard
- Linden
- Landon
- L A
- Los Angels
- Lake Oswego
- Lemont
- Layton
- Lynwood
- Laguna Hills
- Lots Angeles
- Lille
- Long Island City
- Longwood
- Loma Linda
- Libertyville
- Lynn
- Lindon
- Leicester
- Lyndhurst
- Lufkin
- Lemon
- Latham
- Lime
- Lemoore
- Lyons
- Lansdowne
- Lawndale
- Lorain
- Lompoc
- La Conner
- Lewes
- Leander
- Lagrange
The words in the list U.S. Cities with L come from players of the word game City, Country, River.