City with M
- Madrid
- Manchester
- Miami
- Mumbai
- Mexico City
- Montreal
- Moscow
- Milan
- Munich
- Melbourne
- Manila
- Memphis
- Manhattan
- Madison
- Monaco
- Advertisement
- Mexico
- Milwaukee
- Malibu
- Milano
- Minsk
- Montgomery
- Medellin
- Mannheim
- Manilla
- Monterrey
- Monroe
- Marrakesh
- Madras
- Mecca
- Montevideo
- Munster
- Monterey
- Monte Carlo
- Milton
- Monrovia
- Michigan City
- Markham
- Maastricht
- Mysore
- Macon
- Montpelier
- Moncton
- Macau
- Mogadishu
- Modesto
- Madurai
- Missouri City
- Marseilles
- Multan
- Mason
- Mansfield
- Marburg
- Midland
- Mobile
- Mesa
- Male
- Managua
- Murcia
- Melbourn
- Medan
- Advertisement
- Marietta
- Manama
- Manchester City
- Muncie
- Mendoza
- Mazatlan
- Mombasa
- Morristown
- McAllen
- Marion
- Mountain View
- Mexicali
- Mankato
- Milpitas
- Middleton
- Martin
- Mission
- Maui
- Malacca
- Medina
- Middletown
- Marysville
- Mason City
- Myrtle Beach
- Muscat
- Maracaibo
- Mandalay
- Merced
- Madisonville
- Montrose
- Mariupol
- Manteca
- Maputo
- Mrągowo
- Monmouth
- Marshall
- Murrieta
- Mount Vernon
- Most
- Montana City
The words in the list City with M come from players of the word game City, Country, River.