Pokemon con B
- Bulbasaur
- bulbasur
- Blastoise
- bagon
- Beedrill
- Blaziken
- Baltoy
- Bellsprout
- Butterfree
- Beldum
- Butterfly
- Bastiodon
- Barboach
- Bayleef
- Banette
- Advertisement
- Bidoof
- Bibarel
- Basculin
- Bisharp
- Buneary
- Beartic
- Beedril
- Buizel
- Blissey
- Beautifly
- Bellosom
- Bewear
- Barbaracle
- Bonsly
- Bronzor
- Breloom
- Braixen
- Braviary
- Boldore
- Bellossom
- Burmy
- Buterfree
- Bunnelby
- Bronzong
- Belsprout
- Bunneary
- blastoiser
- Binacle
- Bullbasaur
- Bouffalant
- Buterfly
- Blaistoise
- blastoice
- Bulbassaur
- Bidoff
- Budew
- Brionne
- Blaiziken
- Blacephalon
- Blitzle
- Barraskewda
- Bulbassur
- Bidof
- Bayleaf
- bedrill
- Advertisement
- Buffalant
- breelom
- Bellsproud
- Blisey
- Bannete
- buzzwole
- Bergmite
- Bruxish
- Butterfry
- Bulbasaurio
- barbacle
- Blasiken
- Blastoize
- burbasu
- Boufalant
- bastidon
- bullbasor
- Beautyfly
- blaziquen
- Boulbasor
- blaisiken
- Burbasur
- Basculegion
- Bulbasura
- bulbausur
- buitzel
- Bibarrel
- Baylef
- Bannette
- Breeloom
- Bulbasuor
- Bellosoom
- Boltund
- Bronzon
- Bounsweet
- Bedreel
- bedril
- Baulbasor
- Bibarell
- bulba saur
The words in the list Pokemon con B come from players of the word game City, Country, River.