Anime con T
- Toradora
- tokyo ghoul
- Totoro
- The promised neverland
- tate no yuusha
- Tabako to Hai
- tokyo revengers
- the seven deadly sins
- Tokio ghoul
- To love ru
- tate no yusha
- Tabidachi
- Trigun
- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
- The promise neverland
- Advertisement
- Toriko
- trinity seven
- tengen toppa gurren lagan
- tower of god
- T&A Teacher
- tamako market
- Tate no yusha
- Toradora!
- tokyo goul
- taboo tattoo
- Tonari no kaibutsu kun
- Taboo Charming Mother
- tengen toppa
- Tokio goul
- Terraformars
- Table and Fishman
- Tsubasa
- The seven deadly sins
- tengen toppa gurren laggan
- Time Paladin Sakura
- Tonari no kaibutsu-kun
- taboo tatto
- Tsugumomo
- toaru majutsu no index
- tactics
- The end of evangelion
- Tsurezure children
- Tenki no ko
- tabako no hai
- tales of eternia
- tatami galaxy
- Tengen topa gurren lagan
- Tales of zestiria
- taboo tatoo
- Thundercats
- tora dora
- Tari Tari
- Tokio revengers
- Tsuki ga kirei
- Tsubasa chronicles
- Trunks
- Terror in resonance
- taboo
- T-sensei
- Advertisement
- Terraformers
- Tate no yushaa
- tail of angels
- tonari no totoro
- tejina senpai
- Tonikaku kawaii
- Terra formars
- tokyo gohul
- Tales of Symphonia
- tabako
- Tu nombre
- takunomi
- tokyo revenger
- Temari
- tabaco to hai
- Tomodachi game
- Takagi-san
- Tamayomi
- tensei shitara slime
- Tonari no kaibutsu
- takarajima
- Tatte no yusha
- Toaru kagaku no railgun
- T.P Sakura
- takagi san
- toaru
- Tensura
- the god of highschool
- tengen toppa guren lagan
- tate no yusa
- tales of magic
- Tales of Phantasia
- tokyo ravens
- T.O
- Tejina-senpai
- Tonari no seki kun
- Tales of the abyss
- tamayura
- Tsukimonogatari
- tenten
The words in the list Anime con T come from players of the word game City, Country, River.