Pokémon en K
- Kangourex
- Kabuto
- Kadabra
- Kyogre
- Kicklee
- Kaiminus
- Kabutops
- Kaorine
- Krabby
- Kapoera
- Kirlia
- Kyurem
- Keunotor
- Keldeo
- Karaclée
- Advertisement
- Kraknoix
- Kecleon
- Kokiyas
- Karaclé
- Kaimorse
- Kraby
- Kranidos
- Kraboss
- Kiklee
- Keckleon
- kiclee
- Kekleon
- Krabi
- Kiogre
- Kaorin
- Katagami
- Krabboss
- kokyas
- Krabos
- Korillon
- Karaklé
- Kravarech
- Kapoeira
- krakos
- Kangoorex
- Kungfouine
- kenotor
- Kapuera
- Krabbos
- Koraidon
- Keeklee
- kraknoi
- kick lee
- Karaklee
- Kabutop
- Kuyrem
- komala
- Kokyass
- Kabutos
- Kyorem
- Krabbi
- Kracknoix
- keklee
- kikclee
- Kracnoix
- Advertisement
- Keuneutor
- Keecklee
- Kaldeo
- kaminus
- kangoureux
- Kirlya
- Kyruem
- kickli
- Keekle
- Kapouera
- Kingler
- Kaimors
- kingdra
- Kokiass
- Kokyias
- Keclee
- kabouto
- Kabutobs
- kelocroc
- kokias
- kengourex
- kagourex
- Karacklé
- Kongourex
- kaimimus
- kirilia
- Kickle
- kokiyass
- kangaskhan
- Kyurem blanc
- Klefki
- Kangourourex
- Kougourex
- kracknoi
- kyrlia
- Keneutor
- kayminus
- Kecklee
- keeclee
- Kaori
The words in the list Pokémon en K come from players of the word game City, Country, River.