Pokémon en R
- Ratata
- Raichu
- Racaillou
- Rondoudou
- Ronflex
- Rattata
- Roucool
- Roucarnage
- Ratatac
- Rayquaza
- Reptincel
- Rattatac
- Roucoul
- Roucoups
- Riolu
- Advertisement
- ratatak
- Rhinocorne
- Rhinoféros
- roudoudou
- Ramoloss
- Raikou
- Regigigas
- Roucoule
- Ratatta
- Reshiram
- Roigada
- Raflesia
- Ratentif
- Rafflesia
- Roselia
- rinocorne
- Rototaupe
- Rhinastoc
- racailloux
- Raiku
- Roitiflam
- Reptincelle
- Rinoferos
- Ratatack
- Rapion
- Ratattac
- Registeel
- Rhinoféroce
- Regice
- Rinoferoce
- Roserade
- Rocabot
- Raichou
- ramolosse
- Roitiflamme
- Regirock
- Rattatak
- Ramboum
- Roublenard
- Remoraid
- ramolos
- Relicanth
- Raiquaza
- Rattentif
- Rosalia
- Advertisement
- Rattatta
- Rinastoc
- Rattatack
- Roussil
- Rozbouton
- ronflexe
- Rinhocorne
- Rapacedepic
- Raitchu
- Roocool
- rechiram
- Rhinolove
- roucoops
- raychu
- Ratattack
- Roitiflame
- Rubombelle
- Rodoudou
- racalliou
- racailou
- Rexilius
- Rhinocorn
- rongourmand
- rayquazza
- riolou
- Rinocorn
- raccaillou
- Rinhoferos
- raykwaza
- Requaza
- Richu
- Raykaza
- rotiflamme
- Rongrigou
- Rinhoféroce
- Rotiflam
- raphlesia
- raicaillou
- Rhinastock
- roukoul
The words in the list Pokémon en R come from players of the word game City, Country, River.