- Zoro
- Ulysse
- Harry Potter
- Ursula
- Yakari
- Kirikou
- Quasimodo
- Tintin
- Naruto
- Zorro
- Xena
- Yoda
- Garfield
- Xavier
- Hercule
- Advertisement
- Mario
- Mickey
- Donald
- Obelix
- Titeuf
- Olaf
- Nemo
- Voldemort
- Zelda
- Xebec
- Xerath
- Babar
- Iron man
- Fiona
- Wario
- Aladin
- Yoshi
- Quinn
- Indiana Jones
- Xmen
- Itachi
- Bob l'éponge
- willy wonka
- Asterix
- Cendrillon
- Barbie
- Gargamel
- Franklin
- Esmeralda
- xena la guerriere
- Olive
- Dora
- Batman
- Elsa
- Patrick
- Winnie l'ourson
- Fifi brindacier
- Luffy
- Superman
- Violetta
- Luigi
- Vaiana
- Lilo
- Fifi
- Yamato
- Advertisement
- Walter White
- gaston lagaffe
- Qiyana
- Tarzan
- Jasmine
- Venom
- Eren
- Xatu
- Xiao
- idefix
- Pinocchio
- lara croft
- jack sparrow
- Jiraya
- Ken
- Bambi
- Lupin
- Jafar
- Ratatouille
- Pikachu
- Sasuke
- Winnie
- Gaston
- Waluigi
- Joker
- Icare
- Donald duck
- Nana
- Hulk
- Babouche
- Nami
- Sonic
- King kong
- Popeye
- Raiponce
- Dumbo
- Kakashi
- Thor
- Ariel
- Dingo
The words in the list Personnage come from players of the word game City, Country, River.