- éole
- Zeus
- Venus
- Ulysse
- Ymir
- Icare
- Gaia
- Jupiter
- Bacchus
- Thor
- Neptune
- Wendigo
- Quetzalcoatl
- Uranus
- Kratos
- Advertisement
- Eros
- Poseidon
- Loki
- Hercule
- Rhéa
- Romulus
- Athena
- Kronos
- Kraken
- Wukong
- Dionysos
- Saturne
- Ares
- xanthe
- Odin
- Fenrir
- Osiris
- Freya
- Xanthos
- Mars
- Quetzacoatl
- Hermes
- Xbalanque
- Iris
- Nymphe
- Demeter
- Junon
- Janus
- Hades
- Walkyrie
- Jason
- Cerbère
- Quirinus
- Léto
- Olympe
- xena
- Xénia
- Remus
- Minotaure
- Dyonisos
- Thésée
- Yokai
- Méduse
- Sirène
- Xanadu
- Advertisement
- Titan
- Persephone
- Mercure
- Narcisse
- Fée
- Artemis
- Ragnarok
- Eole
- Némésis
- Orphée
- Diane
- Ouranos
- Chronos
- Aphrodite
- Gorgone
- Hera
- Persée
- Medusa
- Enée
- Lucifer
- Egée
- Wyvern
- Vulcain
- Qilin
- Wotan
- yéti
- Belzebuth
- Cronos
- Satan
- Bastet
- Nyx
- Oedipe
- Heracles
- Hephaistos
- Orion
- Apollon
- Thanatos
- Achille
- Seth
- Calypso
The words in the list Mythologie come from players of the word game City, Country, River.