Pokémon Inventé en R
- Raichu
- Ratata
- Ronflex
- rototo
- Rattata
- racaillou
- Rondoudou
- ratatac
- Roucoul
- roucarnage
- Roucoups
- rikiki
- Roucouille
- rattatac
- Reptincel
- Advertisement
- Riolu
- Rayquaza
- roro
- Raplapla
- roudoudou
- Rototor
- Ratacouille
- Ratibox
- Ratapute
- roucoule
- Ratatack
- Ratatta
- ratator
- Ratentif
- Ratiflor
- Routoutou
- Riri
- renardo
- Roucoulou
- rototox
- Rutabagarre
- Ricola
- Rataton
- ratatus
- Roubignol
- Ramoloss
- Roigada
- raspoutine
- Rikatchu
- Rastacouille
- Rarabe
- rourou
- Roublardo
- Rododindron
- Ratatouillax
- Ratonton
- Rakaka
- raflesia
- Rhinastoc
- Rhinoferos
- Ramadan
- Riolait
- Rocabot
- Regigigas
- Raichou
- Advertisement
- Roitiflamme
- Rat
- ratoto
- Rafflesia
- rotula
- rululu
- Ronronflex
- ratatouilleur
- Ranus
- Ratiboise
- racouille
- roar
- Ralecul
- Rapipi
- rapido
- Rominou
- Raoul
- Ragondin
- rattatack
- Ragourdin
- Rienafoutre
- Rinoshield
- radoudou
- Ramonix
- Rouloulou
- Rinastoc
- Roploplo
- ronron
- Rouboule
- Rakofeu
- roubignole
- Rirififiloulou
- rododo
- Ravioli
- Rigolo
- Raikou
- raichoux
- Rhinoféroce
- ratybox
- Rachid
The words in the list Pokémon Inventé en R come from players of the word game City, Country, River.