Plante en A
- Abricotier
- Acacia
- Anémone
- Algue
- Anis
- amandier
- Ananas
- Artichaut
- arbuste
- arbousier
- Acajou
- Aneth
- Azalée
- Aubergine
- Acacias
- Advertisement
- avoine
- arum
- Aubépine
- amaryllis
- avocatier
- ail
- arnica
- Ambroisie
- Argousier
- Absinthe
- arachide
- Agave
- Agapanthe
- Acanthe
- asperge
- Alizée
- Algues
- Amanite
- Arabica
- Annette
- Aulne
- Ammonite
- Arbustes
- Avocat
The words in the list Plante en A come from players of the word game City, Country, River.