Pokémon na C
- Charmander
- Charizard
- Caterpie
- Celebi
- Cacnea
- Charmeleon
- Cyndaquil
- Chikorita
- Chimchar
- Cacturne
- Clefairy
- Cloyster
- Chansey
- Crobat
- Cinderace
- Advertisement
- chespin
- Cubone
- Czarmander
- Cyndaquill
- Cresselia
- Clefable
- carkol
- Chandelure
- Chicorita
- Cindaquil
- Camerupt
- Calyrex
- Charrizard
- Caterpi
- Combee
- Charizzard
- cranidos
- Cleffa
- Carnivine
- combusken
- Chinchou
- Charmelion
- Cobalion
- Celesteela
- candine
- cherubi
- Chamander
- Charlizard
- Carvanha
- cascoon
- Corsola
- Catterpie
- Carbink
- chikoritta
- Charamander
- Croconaw
- Castform
- Cherrim
- Cramorant
- Charmader
- Cosmog
- Celeby
- Cadoizo
- cancea
- Cyclizar
- Advertisement
- Charisard
- Cloister
- Clifery
- Chalmander
- Cradily
- Croagunk
- claydol
- Cubchoo
- carracosta
- charmelon
- cinccino
- Coffing
- Czarizald
- Cleafairy
- Corphish
- Charizart
- Cryogonal
- chandelur
- Chesnaught
- crustle
- Cintaquil
- cacuna
- Carizard
- Clamperl
- conkeldurr
- corviknight
- Chensey
- charmandel
- crocodile
- czux
- Caterpillar
The words in the list Pokémon na C come from players of the word game City, Country, River.