# Player Games
1. BFKagura Bachi 6 31
2. BFAqib Mahmood 8 24
3. BFMikerugs 5 19
4. BFToiouilou Salina 17 13
4. BFTomy1904 3 13
6. BFRichna Youssouf 5 11
7. BFCOBZdu16 3 10
8. BFNasir Nabigh Mahmood 7 9
9. BFtuan orrico 3 8
10. BFNaela Ishtiaq 7 6
11. BFSeñorTETAS 3 5
12. BFtito larraín 2 4
13. BFJerefue22 1 3
14. BFelculodelaiiluum 1 2
14. BFbana calderon 1 2
14. BFRébecca Suzie AMBOUROUET 1 2
17. BFAgussssss000000 1 1
18. BFMada Other 1 0
Statistics are updated every ~day

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